Well, today is the first day of spring break for my big kids. We were originally going to go to Ikea today but decided against it because basically I have no will power. I'd want one of everything and I wouldn't have had room because the kids would have been in the car. Oh well. I do love Ikea. Also, Ikea will have all new stuff in about 2 months. We can wait that long to get a new TV stand. The one we are currently using is like a decade old and made of particle board. Somehow it has survived many moves.
Instead we went to the mall. We ate at Mickey D"s in the food court. The kids love that place. Yuck, un-food. Then we wandered around. Got Dan a few new shirts. I went to try on bras and ended up getting 5 shirts and no bras. Go figure. If you are a woman you will understand the dilemma of finding a bra that actually fits right. The shirts were just cute and I am in need of a few things to wear this summer since I am a bit smaller than last summer. Did I mention they were cute?

This afternoon while Dan was napping. (His favorite weekend activity.) The kids went out to play. Seth loves going outside. We actually have to be careful because if the back door is left open he can let himself out and is quite the climber. I took lots of pictures. I love it when they are being cute. Seth ate lots of dirt and wore even more of it. And then proceeded to screamed bloody murder when I brought him in the house!

Your blogspot is the one of the highpoints of my day, girlie
I always check to see what my babies are up too and getting to see new pictures on a daily basis makes me feel like we're just across the street watching them grow. I love all of you so much
It sucks that Marlena and your kiddos have different spring breaks! I was hoping we could all play together without having to wait for after school!
They are very cute today.
I definitely hear you about Ikea. I have often complained that there were none here, but truthfully I too have no willpower when it comes to their stuff.
Hope you find a good bra soon... You should go to Vicki's and get measured. Perhaps the problem with ill fitting bras is that you have changed since you are a different size from last summer! That's cool that you got new clothes though. I did too - I had fun shopping on eBay and got a whole new wardrobe this week. Hooray! :)
The one on the slide is too cute! All happy & playing together :)
Have fun on spring break. Anything fun planned?
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