On Wednesday Tiff and Chloe took us to the Children's Museum down by Philly. Seth had a great time. He spent most of his time in the science room and in the construction room. Chloe and Seth mostly went there own way but at this age tandem play is all you get. If you want them to play together that probably means they'll be fighting over toys in no time flat. Anyway, it wasn't very busy there so Seth was able to explore and not get pushed around by bigger kids. Big kids don't mean to push, they just do.
I love watching Seth play. He really figures things out quickly. In the science room there was a tube that had air flowing through it and you opened it up, put a scarf inside, and it would zoom through the tube around the whole room really fast and land in a bin. He watched it happen and immediately did it all by himself. He sure is a smart boy. He figured out that the scarf would go in easier if you balled it up. Otherwise the air flow would blow it back out at you. So smart. He did that many, many time.
Daniel had a meeting in PA yesterday so the kids and I were on our own for the evening. Thankfully they were cooperative and bed time went smoothly. I remembered to get Simon in his brace on time and I remembered to give Seth his antibiotics. (Did I mention he did have an ear infection?) Before reading time I went through their book shelves and unearthed all the winter/Christmas books I could find. I ran upstairs after bath real quick to do something very important. Ok, ok, it wasn't important, I wanted to trim the table runner I'm working on so I could sew on the binding. Hey, I had some shows to watch and I could work on the binding while watchingTV. God, I need a TV in my office... Of course, I'd never leave my sewing room then would I?
I came back down to one of the best things ever. The kids were all sitting together reading a Christmas story. I had to grab the camera! (Yes, Seth has food on his chin.)

It is so wonderful how Hannah and Simon tolerate and help Seth, and go beyond mere tolerance to do this sort of loving thing. What a great photo!
I love the photo of them reading together too!
Glad you are having fun despite a working dryer! When will it get fixed anyway? Hope soon!
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