The curve has worsened. It went from 18 to 26. Why? I don't know at all. It should have gone the other way- syrinx shrinks, scoliosis improves. The doctor didn't even flinch as he began explaining to me how my son, who is just 6 years old, will have to start wearing a brace 20- 22 hours a day for years to come. He can take it off to bathe and get a bit of exercise but that's about it. I am so upset about this. I couldn't help but start to cry as the doctor told me all about this new change in Simon's life.
We were sent right on over to get him fit for his new brace. He is such a trooper. He put on a happy face and held still while they wrapped him in a cast. I asked Simon if it'd be ok if I took pictures of what was happening so I could share it with all of you.

We'll go back on the 4th of December to pick it up and learn about using it. Apparently you have to get used to wearing it so he will start the first week sleeping in it and then the next week he'll start wearing it to school. I did call the neurosurgeon when I got home and left a message. They might have to run more tests to determine if there is any neurological things going on. Poor kid. By his 7th birthday he'll be wearing a brace full time.
On our way home I got him McDonald's for lunch. I had plenty of food at home that was much better for us but hey, how often do you find out things like this. I can indulge him a bit, right? The good news is now when his sister gets mad and hits him she'll hurt herself more that him. There's an upside to everything.
Oh honey, I am sorry to hear it. We love you.
Ellen, I'm so proud that you are trying to make it positive for Simon. We'll pray that the brace makes the problem better quickly or the doctors find out other ways to treat it. One good thing is knowing it has to be treated and then knowing you have to figure it out.
Oh Ellen... Poor you guys :( I was so excited that it had shrunk. I wasn't expecting this at all. :(
But what a lil trooper he is, eh?
I think you all deserved Mc D's ~ him for being great at the dr and you getting a break from cooking.
Hang in there, mama.
I'm sorry to hear this, Ellen. Hang in there.
Tell Simon I think he looked like a super hero! Or a mummy. Or a Super Hero Mummy! Fighting crime with ancient Egyptian powers. Sunlight and magic dust are involved. : )
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