I finally got to really go into the city thanks to Misty and her kind Husband Lee, who bought our tickets. It was so incredible.
We drove to the train station (my first train to the city) in Matawan and it took us to Penn Station.

I have to say I was way overwhelmed when we got off the train. I didn't know where we needed to go, there were signs everywhere, and people! Lots and lots of people. Seriously, I don't think I've ever experienced being around that many people at once without attending a rock concert. (I sound like I'm from Hicksville.)
We figured out which subway train to hop on that would take us to W 45th St close to Broadway.

We only had to go one stop but the subway was packed (I took the picture on the way back). I was in New York. Misty realized we were close to Times Square. EEEEEEEE. I've never been there either!!!! She asked a police officer and he said it was a block away. We walked by our theater where we were seeing Avenue Q and headed on over to Times Square.

It was so amazing. I don't have the right words to describe it. The area is huge and there are flashing billboard ads one on top of the other. It was so cool to see.
We got a fast bite to eat at Juniors before the show. It was weird to be in a restaurant that had an old diner feel to it but it was really larger than most diners are. My Fish and Chips were very yummy though.
The play (obviously my first Broadway play ever) was hysterical. We heard songs such as, "It sucks to be you", "It's O.K. to be gay", and "The internet is for porn." Who would have thought that puppets could be so adult and yet so funny. We laughed a lot especially at the muppet sex. Sesame Street will never be the same...
We got back to the train station and heard our train was boarding. Somewhere in the mass mix of entrances we found our track, double checked that it was ours and got straight on the train. We had intended to grab a cup of coffee for the long ride back (it takes about an hour on the train and another 25 minutes to drive) but alas it was better to get on the train quickly.
I had such a great time. Thanks Misty, for many of my firsts.
I'm so jealous! What a wonderful evening... So glad you and Misty got to enjoy that together!! Definitely a perk of living in NJ, eh?
You are from hicksville ... What in the word was the name of the play? I'm glad you had a good time and a good tour guide. New York is completely overwhelming.
We saw "Avenue Q".
That sounds so amazing!!! I can't wait to see my first, real, Broadway play. I love the pic of the two of you and everything is blurred and moving so quickly in the background.
Thank you for firsting with me! I love that we have another shared first!
What an awesome trip! Now I have NYC envy!
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