So, it isn't every day that your dear sweet husband comes home with a life sized surprise. He laughed as he set them up and laughed some more as I told him, "no freakin' way!" I will not shield them from the children. I actually might encourage them to partake in light saber fights with either Mr. T or Rocky himself. How did Dan get his lovely hands on these gems? Work. They had spirit day today because if you watch the news at all then you know Vonage is getting spanked right now in the lawsuit department. How big life size cut outs of Mr. T and Rocky boost morale is beyond me. Yea, yea, they're fighters. Hopefully they will fall victim to a terrible accident courtesy of small, unruly children...
Speaking of the small and unruly, Simon gets to test for his Yellow Belt in Tae Kwon Do! Finally! The poor kid would have tested back in April but as you might recall he had to have a wee bit of surgery that month instead. After taking a few months off of Tae Kwon Do he went back in like August. Anyway, he is very excited to try to get his yellow belt. Maybe if he doesn't fidget the whole time they'll kindly pass him up a level. (No word yet from his neurosurgeon, btw.)
One more gripe out of me and then I swear I am done, for now anyway. Where did fall go? It's is the 80's and will be for days? Shouldn't we be wearing sweaters right now? I love my sweaters! We're gonna skip straight from hot and muggy to winter and then I will complain about the bitter cold because alas, I am human and never truly satisfied!
I made lots and lots of banana bread today. I had purchased bananas at Costco that were way too green. I had high hopes that they'd be edible but as I guessed they went from green to brown. It's ok, I like banana bread. I gave 2 loaves away and then made muffins for us. What the kids don't know and I won't tell is that I made ours with whole wheat flour and I threw in ground flax seed. Tee hee. They like it too!!!
I have made some progress on the wall hanging. I am not a stellar machine quilter but I am making this for myself and not for a show. I'll show some progress pictures soon, promise.
Oh, Ellen, only men think of morale boosting stuff like cut-outs of Rocky. Or, like the guy whose office I assumed, who cleaned out nothing, didn't dust anything, and was a bit upset when I found his nasty coffee cup and threw it away. The women in the office were shocked that he didn't bother to clean anything; I'm sure it just never occured to him.
I've been wondering about Simon's results - I'm assuming the test went fine. Good luck to him on his testing! At Paul's dojo, they don't suggest that someone test unless they think the kid will pass.
I know about the 80 degree weather ... I was ready for cooler temps after moving. Know anyone who needs moving boxes?
It must be a guy thing. When I showed Ben the picture, he thought they were great! His question then was, "what was Mr. T's character's name in Rocky?" I of course had no idea... but is Clubber something.
That is the funniest thing I have seen!!!
I too have been wondering about Simon's results... How long do we have to wait? You must be going crazy! I know I am and it's not even my kid! ;)
I am loving the 80's... as summer was quite a bit warmer and this feels pretty nice.
Wow - they are cutting costs in the morale department. Next thing you know they will get in trouble for stealing cardboard cut outs of the easter bunny - telling employees that they need to find their "nest eggs" somewhere else...
This is truly funny!!!!!!
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