Well, Simon is home again today. He is having a lot of hip and leg pain. Poor kid. He mentioned again to me this morning how he wished he never had to have the surgery. It just breaks your heart to hear it. He woke up in the middle of the night with real bad hip pain. He actually told me his butt hurt. I had a hard time figuring out what that meant. I asked a lot of questions but didn't get much more out of him. Is it new sensations that his body is interpreting as pain? Almost like when your foot fell asleep and it begins to wake up. Is it going to happen his whole life? I just hope it subsides over time. This morning he was still hurting so I decided to keep him home. It's not like he is behind at school or anything. The kid can read really well and do math like mad, basically the only he can't do at school is sit quietly. He is my child after all. They didn't call me "Little Yellin' Ellen" for nothing! Anyway, I emailed his neurosurgeon to ask him about the severe leg pain so hopefully he'll be able to get back to me today with some insight.

When I got home from walking Hannah to school I started a pot of coffee for Dan and I. I could hear Seth is the living room or dining room while I quickly did it. As soon as I finished I went out to see what the little trouble maker was up too, because let's face it he's usually into something, and I found him sitting at the dining room table helping himself to Simon's breakfast. He was very proud of himself and even offered some to me. The little stinker can actually climb onto the table now that he has figured out how to get up on the chairs. I think he is part monkey!
We will just hang out today and let Simon rest. He has been pretty exhausted and getting headaches by the end of the day since he went back to school. I think kids have a hard time taking it easy because they can usually do so much. What am I saying, adults do the same thing.
But as adults we know we are pushing ourseleves too far & know that we shouldn't & know what the consequences will be if we do. Kids don't know that yet though.
Hopefully a quiet day at home will make him feel good enough to go back Thurs & Friday. Then he can rest over the weekend too.
Well, I'm off to see what the vascular doctor has to say about Ben's wrist. Yippee, more doctors!
Good luck today!
Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow.
You should contemplate just letting him stay home - I mean, just start him again in first grade. Goodness, he's not going to fail kindergarten. We used to let people languish in bed for weeks, but now I think we push people too fast. Just my 2 cents worth - you see how old I am by the sayings I use :)
I forgot to say how funny Seth is - what an adorable photo!
Poor Simon. That is tough waking up in the middle of the night and trying to figure out what is wrong with them. Ella wakes up with leg cramps all of the time and instead of telling me what is wrong she just screams. That is so cute about Seth and I have to say, for a kid that usually looks so much like Hannah, he sure looks a lot like Simon in that pic.
Your mom has a point, especially as NJ laws do not require attendance to Kindergarten. He is certainly already at the first grade level so far as the material is concerned.
Granted, you would have two children home for the rest of the year, and Hannah might be upset. Of course, her school attendance is legally mandated, so that's an easy argument.
I don't know about him being out the rest of the year but I am not concerned about him missing multiple days of school. It makes silly things hard like trips to the store. I am pretty sure Simon would be devastated if he missed some of then fun end of year stuff like Field Day next month.
He is feeling better today. He does need the opportunity to heal and rest. I'm keeping him home today because he had a low grade fever yesterday and we'll see about school tomorrow. He probably picked up Seth's cold. I don't know why he hurt so much though. His doctor said he wouldn't have predicted leg pain as a side effect of surgery.... not very helpful.
Sorry to hear about the pain Simon's having... I wish the doctor had better answers for you!! Hope he is better soon!
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