Things are crazy around here as usual. I am not sure what to make of how Simon has been feeling. He was home Wednesday and felt yucky all day. He even ran a low grade fever for a while. He does have a cold now. Thursday he felt better but I had him stay home one more day. No sense rushing things. By the end of the day on Thursday he seemed all better so he went to school on Friday. He had a good day. Things seemed fine again. We even went to the mall to get all the kids hair cut. They played outside with friends and had fun. Then about 7:30 last night he started to get a headache. I figured he was tired ad we tried to get him to bed early. He woke up soooo many times last night crying because things hurt. His head and his butt again. I just don't get it. We aren't pushing him. We are letting him decide what he can handle like the doctor told us too. Besides, if you know Simon you know the kid is usually a ball of energy. He is still feeling yucky this morning. I can't give him more Tylenol for another hour. I really, really hope this all goes away. He is so whinny when he doesn't feel good. I can't blame him either.
While they were playing around yesterday I took the opportunity to snap a few pictures of the kids. Of course the one I like is blurry. They were swinging and I knew it was a possibility that the picture would be blurred... sometimes I don't want to be right.... Here it is anyway and a few others.

I like the last one because it makes the house look so big and Seth look so small. I can't wait until we are able to paint the house. It'll look so nice! I think I lost a few of my Hydrangea's because they tried to bloom in February when the weather was so nice. You can't just tell a plant not to bloom... I tried. Anyway, I am sure I'll have tons of photos from outside this summer since Seth loves to be out so much. We should get a sand box for him.

Other than Simon not feeling well we are doing pretty good. I've been trying to make progress (Slow and steady wins the race, right?) on Cynthia's quilt. She is due so soon!
1 comment:
Sorry to hear he's still having so much pain... I hope everything is healing alright. He had major surgery so it's probably to be expected that he'll take some time to recover. What does the dr think about all this? Hang in there...
Loved the pics - thanks for sharing. :)
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