Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Park and Pictures

Sunday afternoon we went to a birthday party for a little boy in Simon's grade. Mason is in a different class than Simon but they get along well and so do Michelle (Mason's mom) and I. The park was huge! There was a lake and your typical playground areas. The cool part is there's an area where you can feed animals. There's apparently a herd of deer. I didn't walk over with Hannah and Simon when they did the feeding so I don't have any pictures of that. I did snap a few others...
Hannah brought home a caterpillar for their new insect cage. Ya, I am excited. Not! I turns out she found a Gypsy Moth caterpillar. They are terrible and can destroy trees. I told her under no circumstances was it allowed out of the cage! It will live and die in there. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if it dies quickly. I think we'll have a lot of captive and tortured bugs throughout the summer. She wanted me to take a picture of her with her new fuzzy, creepy, crawly friend.
Simon was dumping sand out of his shoes in this shot. I think the picture looks like I made him posed even though I didn't.
Ben put up a couple new pictures yesterday. I think this one shows how much nicer everything is looking in our house. Oh, someone looked at the house a few days ago and really like it so they are going to go back again! Cross those fingers!
That's about it for now. I have to leave in a few minutes to go get the big kids. Seth and I already went to the park, had lunch with Tiff and Chloe, and went grocery shopping. Somehow I'll get laundry done today also... somehow. My question is, what is "free time" and what does one do with it?


Paula Ebert said...

Simon and Hannah are looking SO grownup! How does this happen? I've always been amazed at Hannah's ability to handle icky things like earthworms.

ellen said...

While she was holding her pet caterpillar she let out a little "eek!" when an ant crawled on her. Weird kid. She must be mine.

They are growing up quickly. Before I know it they'll be in their 30's!

Amy Y said...

I've never experienced this "free time" you speak of. ;) The house looks great and I loved the pics of the kids. They are all getting so big!! Hope Hannah's caterpillar stays put! :)

Scylla said...

What mean "free" white man?

Your house looks great!

Paula Ebert said...

talk about staying connected, I'm writing from the "internet cafe" at the press association convention in Brooklyn. This afternoon, we're going to Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral - since this is probably my one chance to be in NY, it ought to be enjoyable!