Sunday I ventured down to Philly to see an old friend of mine. She's my oldest friend. I've known her since 1st grade. I hadn't seen her since last year when I went out to visit her after the birth of her first baby. A year makes such a difference. Her little guy's now the same age as Seth was when I went there.

I went down by myself instead of going with the whole family. Seth had been running a fever and Dan's shoulder is still hurting him. I met up with Cynthia and Gayle to go see Independence Hall. The buildings are so cool. The tour, well... it's kinda lame. It would have been better if the little lecture hadn't been given in such a monotone manor.
The architecture of the old buildings are really wonderful.

I got to see the Liberty Bell too!

I will definitely go back with Dan and the kids. So much history there.
I did see one of the weirdest things in the Franklin Museum. The site of his original house had been torn down by his heirs and when the site was excavated (Cynthia's dad was one of the archiologists on that dig!) they put in a museum, underground. There's a room in there that has a sea of telephones and you can dial numbers to hear facts on people in history. The phones looked like something out of bad sci-fi movie...

Yesterday we were supposed to go peach picking but the orchards were closed. The workers were picking that day. We ended up going to the park for a few hours before heading home for some lunch. No surprise that when we were at the grocery store later on in the day the Jersey Fresh Peaches were only 99 cents a pound.
After dinner tonight I decided to make smores with the kids. Who doesn't love them! Especially roasted over an open

Let the graham cracker, chocolate, and marshmallow goodness begin!

1 comment:
I thought the whole Franklin homestead museum needed updating. There have been many advances in museums since the mid-70s, which is when it seems that museum was established. We ditched the lecture during the tour of Independence Hall, though it was very interesting to see it, and then watch the John Adams special and see the hall. We didn't go to Constitution Hall, which would make a good stop on another trip, I think.
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