The flight home was a little delayed... like 3 hours. Mechanical problems. They had to get us a new plane and that took for freakin' ever! I won't call names or curse (I already got that out of my system). We got home in one piece finally at 2:30 am! Why is it that when you get to the airport 2 hours early like a good citizen (ok, the stress of possibly missing my flight makes me feel quite content with arriving extra early) inevitably your flight is delayed?
I don't think the kids missed me all that much though. Should I be surprised? I am, after all, the mean one who tells them they can't eat junk food all the time and to eat more fruit and veggies. While I was away they had Mickey D's, pizza, and donuts. They were however excited to show me all the cool things they can do on their new play structure!

I always feel overwhelmed when I return from a trip, even one as short as this. I was supposed to take my car in today and I had to reschedule it again! I was not about to get the whole lot of them all up and ready to go so early when we all got home so late. Oh, well. Hannah and Simon started their swim classes today. They both did really well from what I was able to see. Someone short made it hard to hang out around the pool so we headed over to the playground for most of the lesson time.
There was a great email waiting in my Inbox today...
Susan and Ben's quilt is ready. For real this time! I am going to go get it tomorrow!!!!!! I am thrilled. I will have enough time to get the binding done before we have to go! Perfect. I hope the quilting is as good as I think it will be. Cross those fingers.
Alright, I need to head to bed. It's almost midnight. I just wanted to share my adventures.
Flying is always a crap shoot, isn't it? And, airlines wonder when people want a passenger bill of rights ... think how much worse the whole ordeal would have been if you had all the kids by yourself. Take it easy for a while now.
The kids will be the envy of all the children in the neighborhood with the play structure! It beats the wooden one, that's for sure! It is awesome. I'm glad you're able to give the kids such fun stuff.
what always amazes me with the airlines is when they see me, with 2 small kids, who are already hyper, and ask ME to fl;y a later flightbecause they are overbooked. Seriously, does any mom flying with kids ever say yes to that?
Okay, my rant and hijacking are done. Glad you had such a fabulous trip! The play structure looks fantastic and the kids look so happy!
The plaything looks awesome! I bet the kids are loving it! Glad you had a nice trip, despite your airline issues. Seems like a lot of that going around these days...
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