So now we are using the bento box style lunch boxes and washing out the little containers each day. It is a bit of a pain to make sure they are washed each evening but I'd be in there doing the dishes after dinner anyway, right. I guess right now I am not actually the one doing the dishes! I cook dinner and my mom does the dishes while I put stuff away and wipe off counters. I gotta tell ya, this isn't a bad deal at all! AND, we have a built in babysitter for our back to school night on Thursday.
Today will be rather busy and I need to get to it soon. There's a Moms Club meeting this morning, Hannah has Girl Scouts after school (I still need to iron on all her new patches on her Juniors vest), and there's a PTO meeting at 7 tonight. I have a lot of stuff going on.
"Quite the little joiner. aren't we?" Can anyone name that movie?
I'd like to leave you with an adorable shot of Seth furrowing his brow at me. What is it about overalls that is so cute on kids?

for the most amazing bento stuff ever, look here:
It's truly an art form!
Why does my brain insist that quote is from Dirty Dancing?
BTW, I started Misty down the Laptop Lunchbox crazed path. Val pointed it out to me originally, although her boys aren't yet in school. Yet more cool moms showing other cool moms cool stuff! Does it ever end?
Happy school lunch making!
BTW, you are certain to get many kudos from the teachers for a) making lunches, b) the coolness of the box and c) making them healthy. Caitlin's teacher threatened to eat Caitlin's lunch on a regular basis.
It is from Dirty Dancing!
I have always packed healthy lunches. Now they are a bit more environmentally friendly.
Tons more (quite literally) environmentally friendly. You go, girl!
I was crazy about Dirty Dancing when it first came out. I think I have 3 different versions of it: VHS, DVD and extended dance remix collector's DVD. Eek!
I totally love Dirty Dancing. I believe I have two copies of the movie myself!
Love the lunchboxes! We send Tyler's lunch to school with him also, but we do use the plastic baggies... we just keep reusing them and reusing them. I recently found sandwich wrapper thingies to use so that cut down on one anyway. Do those boxes stay cool?
You can easily put an ice pack in the bag to keep things cool.
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