We have quite a few apples from our outing today. Lots of moms showed up this morning. They lined the kids up at the fence to take a group picture. I took out my camera and discovered it had no memory card in it. AH! Leave it to me to bring the camera but no way to capture any images. C'est la vie. Thankfully most people have digital and I received a few pictures via email.

We picked 9 1/2 pounds worth of apples! Holy moly. What am I to do with all of them. When the kids asked for a snack I offered up some of the delicious Macintosh apples we picked. I don't think they'll like that offer day after day. I'll make something yummy out of 'em. The good thing about apples is they last a long time so I don't have to worry about them going bad anytime soon.
That was about it for our excitement today. I read the manual for my sewing machine while Seth was napping this afternoon. (Yes, you can laugh about the geeky girl reading a manual but it can do lots of cool things!) The kids played outside with some of the neighborhood kids. Hannah also read for about 3 hours today.

This evening one of my aunts called me to let me know about some of my cousins. If you all want the long story behind this let me know but I'll just summarize as much as I can here before I get to this evening.
My cousin Tammi is a person that is at the top of my "shittiest mom alive" list and here's why. She abandoned her own kids. She's had 4 children, mind you all of them by the time she was 21 or 22, and she doesn't have any of them now. Her two middle girls Rebbecca and Michelle never had much of a chance with a mom like Tammi. The girls were taken from Tammi and Mike in Tennessee when they were very little. Their maternal grandma stepped in and took them into her home. After a few years things went south with my aunt (their grandma) due to well, Crystal Meth. So the girls went to live with a different aunt. Tammi then says she wants them back. She has them for less than a year before she signs away her parental rights to them. Tammi called social services herself! Can you imagine being a kid and having your mom tell you, "I can't handle you, I'm done with you!" So my other aunt (I have three aunts they are my dads sisters) had them while social services checked to see if Mike, their dad, would be suitable to take them. Not long after they were with their dad I went to see them. They seemed okay. I don't know maybe they weren't. I haven't seen them since I took them the quilts I made them and this was over a year and a half ago.
This evening, my aunt was calling to let me know that the girls were featured on Wednesday's Children. They are up for adoption and looking for a family. OMG, they are back in the system! Now, even their dad has let them down. It breaks my heart to know that these girls are so broken. They have been abandoned by everyone. I am not an innocent either. Daniel and I talked about it years ago and didn't think we could handle them knowing that they'd have attachment disorder issues, learning disabilities, emotional abuse, etc. I don't know what to do except hope that there is a loving family out there that wants to help them and most of all keep them together. They only have each other after all.
That is so sad, it breaks my heart... I don't know what else to say.
It is really sad, and I have been thinking about it all day. I have an idea or two about things you and I can do to help them a little. Others can join in.
When I worked with children in their situation, simply having people who followed through on anything made a big difference in their outlook on life.
If we contact their social worker and indicate that we are friends of family or family, and we can write to the girls, send them birthday cards, and other things they may need from time to time, it may make them feel as though they aren't entirely alone.
We are in another state, so there is little else we can do right now, but letters can make a difference.
Happy 100th post. The kids look like they enjoyed apple picking.
I am so very sorry to hear about the girls. I hope it all works out for them.
That is so sad, Ellen. Those poor girls... My first instinct is that they don't have a chance, but in situations like this a lot of people have the wonderful ability to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and find a way to make their life special. I hope that for your cousin.
What, indeed, are you going to do with all those apples? This should be interesting. :) Looks like so much fun though! Maybe I'll take the boys this weekend, finally!
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