In honor of fall and my new sewing machine I decided to jump ahead to another project without finishing my current one. How could I do that!? Very easy you see. I also wanted a chance to make sure that I was using a consistent seam allowance with the new machine. So far so good. I am also going to brave, dun dun dun... machine quilting with this one! I hope I don't mess it up. Dan is such a good quilter husband. When he saw the new quilt up on the design wall he immediately suggested we hang it somewhere in the house. Such a good husband. This little wall hanging wasn't exactly hard. I bought a panel, charm squares (they come pre-cut as 5" blocks), added an inner framing border to make the math work, and voila!

Okay, I did make a big math mistake. I had 92 charm squares and I thought I had 96 because 46 + 46= 96..... ah, no. Try 92. Oops, thankfully I had some muslin to add in. I always amaze myself with how brilliant I am!
For all you Robert Jordan fans out there I have some bad news. He passed away over the weekend. The very tragic part (although rather selfish of me to say) is that he didn't have a chance to complete the long series he was writing! I hope he left some good notes behind.
I love fall too! Our leaves are just starting to change colors...
That quilt is fantastic ~ and yes, you are brilliant! That's what we love about you!
I have no idea who Robert Jordan is, but I'm sorry none the less.
That is so pretty!
If you are into sci-fi/fantasy, you might want to check out Clarkesworld Magazine. It's a free, online magazine published by my husband.
Hum, I'll have to check out the web site. I am not as into sci-fi as I used to be but I still enjoy it.
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