Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow day

So, um, we had a snow day yesterday? I guess 5 inches of snow means you should call everyone in the school district at 4:30 am to let them know school has been canceled due to inclement weather. Ok, sure. God, I thought someone was dying. I flew out of bed to get the phone!

In Colorado the buses had to be unable to get to school for there to be a snow day. I do recall walking through deep snow to get to school. No, it wasn't up hill both ways, just one way.

The snow here didn't get played in by my kids. By the time we were all up and about I noticed it had changed over to rain. I don't know about you but the idea of trying to make a snowman out of slushy snow while being rained on doesn't sound to me like the most fun thing to do. Maybe it's just me.

I had to do something to keep the kids happy, entertained, and inside that didn't mean staring at a screen all day long.

We decided to make brownies. I had the kids do most of the work. They had to read the instructions and work together... somehow it actually worked!

They each got a turn stirring, adding, and they all got to share in the best part, licking the bowl!

Then while the brownies were baking up we painted with water colors.

Notice the coffee? Yup, I like my coffee. I don't drink soda or alcohol but I love coffee.

We managed fairly well the rest of the day. There was some tv watching and computer playing but it wasn't all day long. We did have two friends over but we sadly had to send them home early when my older two couldn't behave themselves. When there is hitting the fun is over. I am a party pooper, I know.

While house bound and comfy in my pj's I got Seth's Jungle Quilt sandwiched together.

I better get going. Seth and I are going to the library this morning!

1 comment:

Amy Y said...

How fun! My kids love to bake ~ we usually just do cookies (I'm lazy like that).
4:30am is an insane time to call people because school's cancelled! That should be illegal!!
Hope the library was fun :)