6:50 am- Seth wants mommy to come downstairs. Convince toddler to let me sleep for a few more minutes because big sister can put on Diego for him!
7:00 am- Hit the snooze button.
7:09 am- Got up and began the day. Made lunches, ate breakfast while checking email and facebook, got Seth to pee on the potty, sorted and started laundry, picked up neighbors daughter and drove the kids to school.
8:45 am- Started coffee, showered, got Seth dressed, grabbed snacks, made Seth go pee again, blow dried my hair because it was still in the 20's outside, swapped laundry, and then hauled ass to get to story time at 10 since it was already 10!
10:05 am- Made it to story time in the middle of the first story, phew. Seth likes the craft part better anyway. Talked to the mama's that joined us. Made the Chinese lantern craft, Seth picked out the pink paper and pink scissors (he will either be very secure in his masculinity or very gay...), read some more stories and came back home.
11: 15 am- Make Seth PB and honey sandwich and carrot sticks, I had leftover lentil and brown rice casserole since the kids don't like it. Swap laundry, fold, finish grocery list, get new shoes out for Seth since the old ones are a bit too small, make him pee again, now off to the store. Had to go we were out of milk, eggs, etc.
1:00 pm- Made it through the store without any issues of course I got him a drinkable yogurt and pretzels that we opened in the store to keep him quite and busy. Swap laundry again, put groceries away, fold next load, check email, start blogging...
2 :19 pm- Do dishes, play with the boy, make him go potty again and then get the kids from school.
3:00 pm- Got the kids run home to get snacks and a book for Simon. Go to girl scouts. Anyone want cookies?
4:50 pm- At home, swap laundry, get Simon ready for TKD while Hannah does homework, work on calendar for MOMS Club, find Seth asleep on couch... shit.
5:20 pm- Take Simon to TKD, come home to cook stroganoff for dinner. Get laundry swapped out again!
6:45 pm- Eat some dinner with a crying toddler who shouldn't have napped in the first place. Fold more laundry.
7:15 pm-Leave for book club. Hurray for running away! Enjoy leisure cup of coffee with Tiff and talk about whatever we want (no one else showed up).
9:45 pm- Come home to a quite house. Finish up the dishes that didn't fit in the dishwasher. Talk on phone. Up load pictures. Blog.
11:00 pm- I think I've done enough for today. I'll share pictures tomorrow of Hannah with her braces off and the quilt top I finished over the weekend... I still have laundry to put away...
Good night.