I found a quilt guild out here. I am hoping to find a group to sew with more than anything. I'd love to have a little Stitch and Bitch. Scylla and I tried to get one going out here but it just didn't seem to catch. Anyway, I went to a guild meeting this month and they do a lot of different things. Charity quilts, pillowcases, guest speakers, and they even raffle off blocks every month. This month it was a witch, Sun Bonnet Sue style. I couldn't resist making it. I think it's kinda cute!

As far as quilting... not much has happened. I wanted to make that cute Nappy Bag but I didn't have enough fusible interfacing. So sad. I was all ready to start in on the bag last week and re-read the directions only to discover I didn't have a key ingredient. I will go get some this weekend. I'll need a lot because I'm gonna have to use it on C's quilt too.
I did get to meet with C about her baby clothes quilt. We decided on a scrappy kind of look so we can easily adjust the size of the block to fit whatever size I need it to be. I think this will be fun.
Ah, speaking of fun (yeah, bad transition, I know) we all go to hang out with Karl one last time on Saturday. We had been thinking about going to the beach, even if we weren't able to swim we could enjoy the water and sand. Mom called me in the morning and we decided to do something different. Something totally out of the norm for us, we went to another lighthouse. I'm telling you, we're crazy around here.

This lighthouse was much cooler in my opinion. There are 217 stairs to the top. Sounds easy until half way up when the toddler wants you to carry him. Then, the stairs seem to spiral up forever!
The older kids got to play on the rocks until I realized how big the crevices were and that there was water down between the rocks. I had visions of broken legs or one of them getting trapped between the rocks and drowning. Yeah, I made them get down. They moaned about it too.

Yeah those rocks are scary!!
I want a witch and kitty! What a lovely design.
I am glad you have found a group out there that you may really enjoy. I miss our sad attempts at stitch and bitch, but I am glad we got to have the time together.
Hopefully when Otter is done nursing I can come out and visit for a while, or I will make a ton of money and be able to take the kids out too!
We miss you guys lots, please hug everyone for me!
I agree that it was SO creepy to have the water surging below the rocks. Is it because we are "landlubbers" by breeding and upbringing? There were people out on those rocks. Gave me the chills.
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