After swimming, our little picnic lunch, and a bit more playground fun we headed home so Seth could get a nap. He fell asleep in the car and thankfully transfered to his bed and kept on sleeping for an hour. God I love nap time. I do love Seth very much but little guys can wear you down! I finished watching a movie and did some piecing on the other baby quilt while he rested.
Once he was up from nap he wanted to go play outside with the big kids. Hannah and Simon spend most of the day outside riding their bikes, climbing trees, and playing with their friends. Who wouldn't want to join them?

Seth rode on his own bike for a bit and then moved on to leaf gathering.

I made a peach cobbler yesterday too! My first ever. Hannah and Simon didn't like it but they don't like much of anything. I thought it was good and John, who happens to really like peach cobbler, said it was good. I asked him if there was anything that would make it better and he said, "Seconds."
We finished up the evening with a game of scrabble. Boys against the girls. Girls started with the word DONE, sometimes you can only do so much with the tiles you get. Then the boys played ZYGOTE. Are you kidding me? I thought we were totally going to lose. Ha, we ended up winning! Hannah managed to spell QUEEN on a triple word play at the end of the game. Girls rock!

I think today I might take the kids to the outlet mall and buy some back to school clothes. I can't believe its almost time for that! It's still hot most days but I need to buy warm clothes. Maybe there will still be some summer stuff hanging around that I can pick up for next summer too.
Sounds like you guys are having fun. Can you believe- we're back to school on MONDAY?
Monday! Wow, that's soon. I am liking the whole school doesn't start till after Labor Day thing out here.
I can't wait to play Scrabble with my kids... Shawn and I used to play 3 times a day - back in the days before kids (of course). What did you think of that movie? I LOVEd the book but the movie didn't do it justice. I still enjoyed it though.
I bet Seth will love fall! Have fun back-to-school shopping! :)
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