It has been cool and rainy for a few days now. I love the drop in temperature, the greening up of the lawn, but we couldn't go to swim classes today. Neither kid balked about it this morning either. I figured at least one of them would think there'd still be a chance but one look out the window at the incessant rain and the thermometer reading at 60 it was a no-brainer.
So, we'll just laze around today. I need to do a bit of light cleaning since my mom is dropping by again tomorrow but mostly I think I'll play with fabric. I definitely think I should do some yummy cooking for dinner since it won't hurt to heat up the house. That has to be the biggest down side to summer without AC. Cooking. All cooking has to be done on the grill in the summer. After a while, grilled food just doesn't sound very good anymore. Oh well. It's almost fall and I can start doing things I like again, like baking! I love baking breads and cookies. My tush will never be small as long as I enjoy baking.

I did manage to finish up the other baby quilt. I have a soft spot for the outer border fabric. I used it to make pillows for my kids a while back. It's so darn cute with the little wizards on it. I need to start taking all my pictures during the day when the light is better. C'est la vie.
Quilting is so much fun. You go from this...

to this.

Very pretty!
Send some rain our way - I think I'm melting!
You'll have to read my post about how much I enjoy the rain ... but I do admit that ongoing rainy and chilly days would wear me out.
Ohhhhh!!! I love those fabrics & love that pattern. Maybe some day I will use it too. Of course, that would mean I finished my other project & have finished ripping my yard apart :)
Sweet baby quilt :-) LOVE the fabric you bought- but you must have known I would, right?
I would like to volunteer to give your retro bento box quilt a home. :)
We could sure use the rain here! I, too, am looking longingly forward to fall coming!! :) It'll be here soon... We are still HOT out here but it's supposed to cool off, which will be nice, hopefully tomorrow.
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