It is officially summer for us now! The kids had their last day of school yesterday. Hurray!I always get that song running through my head, "Schools out for summer..." We went to the library and got new cards so the kids can check out some books and they can participate in the summer reading program. They'll go to craft time and Hannah gets to be a helper for the preschoolers. I hope she has fun reading to them. The best part about craft time is that you drop the kids off (sweet!) and then they typically have a movie afterwards that the kids are welcome to stay and watch (even better!). Between the library, our trip to Denver, and all the swim classes I think summer will fly by.

Well, I sadly haven't started a new quilting project yet. I began the tedious and well neglected job of, are you ready for this, organizing! Bleck! I started with my photos. Thank god I got a digital camera when Simon was little or I wouldn't be done organizing them until the end of summer! Somehow my goal is to make it through all the rooms in the house and actually make my house look less cluttered. Maybe I am just dreaming but darn it, it's a good dream. I have a secret weapon though. Tiff. She is organized, likes organizing, and volunteered to help me. I might actually get it done!
I'll try to get pictures of the play set up tomorrow.
Here's a fun picture to leave you with. Moss soup anyone?

I hope you get everything figured out with Seth. Poor little guy! I bet Hannah will absolutely LOVE reading to the preschoolers. That is totally her thing. I also wanted to give you a link that might help you organize. It might not be your thing but you might want to check it out. I signed up for it after I had Ella and felt overwhelmed. I quit once things got back to normal. I just signed up again this summer because I still don't feel settled in our house we moved into over a year and a half ago. I ignore a lot of it (like reminders to do your dishes...duh!) but there is some of it that is really useful.
Sorry to hear about the rash! I hope it wasn't a reaction to his shot... Vaccines scare me - though I know they are important and I do get them for my kids... It makes me nervous.
Can't wait to see the new playset - the pics of the kids were cute! :)
Poor Seth. I'm not sure I'm going to get any more vaccines for Paul (since I'm against them anyhow) following his reaction - sudden loss of consciousness! How can they just say it is no big deal?
Actually, I know how - the medical establishment is so in favor of vaccines, they ignore any reaction and downplay the reactions that occur. But, there is, after all, a Federal Vaccine Injury Compensation center and we wouldn't have one, if there were no injuries!
Off the soapbox now.
I have a friend who really likes the flylady site and I've heard others speak of it positively.
On the soapbox: the overwhelming clutter is because the average American household has more items than a Medieval King's household. (And no serfs to keep track of it all.) :)
So Hannah has no problem playing with moss soup & is grinning about it, but the question is what will her reaction be when she goes fishing with Grandpa Jim?
Only 3 weeks until you are here! Yea!!!
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