I am reminded today of Seth's birth and thought I'd share his birth story. He came to us on his due date and as you know his daddy's birthday. We had a beautiful home birth with our midwife Tracy, her assistant Maren, my mom, Hannah, and Simon. It was so perfect at home in my own environment. I really wish more women knew the power and fulfillment of giving birth at home. Dan kept the mood light while I labored. He made me laugh and smile. My mom just knew what to do. How is it that moms are so incredibly smart?
Not long after I took Simon to school in the afternoon I realized the contractions I'd been having off and on might be the real thing. I called Dan and he headed home. I think this was around 1:30. I called Tracy too and she decided that instead of me going to see her for my check up that she'd come to my house in the evening. I was to call her if things picked up because my contractions were still like 7 minutes apart but my last two labors were only about 6 hours. I also called mom so she could head down from Cheyenne which would take at least an hour and a half.
Dan and I started setting up the birthing tub together. He had to go get Simon from school so between contractions I finished setting it up. Hannah was already home since she was running a low fever so she had come home with me when I dropped Simon off for his half day of preschool. I can't tell you exactly what order all the things happened in but at some point I called Tracy and told her things were picking up. My contractions were about 4 minutes apart then. I don't know who got there first but mom, Tracy, and Maren were all there. The first time I was checked I was dilated to 6-7 so I relaxed on the bed while they worked on getting the tub filled with enough hot water. Things went on around me like the midwives setting up, mom cooking a delicious soup for Hannah and Simon's dinner, and the phone ringing with well wishes for Dan's 32nd birthday. Once the tub was ready I think I was starting transition. I got in the tub and it felt nice but I didn't think it made the contractions easier. There comes a point where not much makes them better! I started to lose my ability to let them happen and wanted to stop them. I had to stop them! So I started pushing. It didn't take very many pushes to get him out. We were so excited to met this little person since we didn't know if it was a boy or a girl. Here he was, Seth Daniel Grisinger. So perfect. We'd done it again. He was born at 6:17 pm weighing in at 8 lbs.
I know I bled a lot after he came out but Tracy knew what she was doing and helped me through it. It was a fantastic birth. Seth is a wonderful addition to our family and this last year has been nothing less than a whirlwind of excitement and changes. I expect nothing less for the rest of our lives.
Happy Birthday Seth and Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband.
Happy Birthday guys!! Lovely story Ellen! I am hoping mine is similar, though it will not be at home. (Or on your husbands bday.)
Oh, Ellen, what a beautiful way to remember Seth's birthday! Makes me cry! Two of the very best things I've ever done in my life have been to come to Hannah and Seth's births (and if we had lived closer, I'd have come to Simons, too.) Thanks so much for the incrediable privlege of including me in these events.
I came to the blog, hoping for photos of Seth's birthday party, and got this beautiful story. Thanks! You're still not off the hook to load up birthday photos :)
The light finally dawned on me that today was Saturday, not Sunday. I usually log onto read on Sunday, not Saturday. Of course, you can't post the photos yet of something that hasn't happened. Sorry for the middle-aged moment :)
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