Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day and well, vomit.

Our weekend plans abruptly changed today and there is a strong likelihood that I'll be cleaning up lots of puke.

We were getting all set for Dan to take off to Delaware to go retrieve our nephew for the weekend when Simon threw up ALL over the kitchen floor. Dan was sick yesterday but if you know Dan then you just don't think it could be the flu. The guy gets sick easy. Simon, well, he only gets sick if he has the stomach flu. I hate to puke. Hate it! I'd clean up after the hole family all day long if it meant that I wouldn't get sick. Of course that means that you've be totally exposed and you'll most likely get it too. Please don't let me get it. Pretty please, with a cherry on top!

I felt awful calling at the very last minute to cancel but there was nothing else to do. If we are all sick this whole weekend then we wouldn't be any fun and we'd send Cade home sick. Wouldn't that have been swell? They'd never let us take him again.

Ok, on to better things.

More fun things.

Like cookies!

The kids and I made lots of cookies for their class Valentine Parties.

Seth wasn't very helpful. Well, he helped himself. He only got to decorate one cookie before he stuck the butter knife in his mouth. Then he ate his pile of frosting quite happily while we frosted about 50 cookies.

In quilt related news... I got nothin'. The teachers quilt is in the process of being quilted and I still haven't gotten down to the quilt store to pick up the baby quilt. It's been a busy week full of half days, parent teacher conferences, book fair, bake sale, valentine parties, baking, playgroup and more baking.


Paula Ebert said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear you are sick! Or at least that some of you are. It is so difficult to keep from passing the germs around...

Susan said...

Hope you guys are feeling better. Happy Valentines Day!

Scylla said...

Ugh, sounds awful. I am sorry you guys were ill.

Happy Valentines Day!!

Momma Mohawk said...

I hope it is better than the stomach yuck down here, one of Monkey's classmates was in the hospital 3 days for dehydration. I hope you all feel better soon!

Monica said...

You have a stronger stomach than I do. Sahrah's vomit kicks in my gag reflex. That's why I'll take care of most of the animals' needs -- food, baths, vet visits, sneaking antibiotics into their food, etc. -- but Devon is in charge of whatever comes out of either end.