Thursday, January 18, 2007

Margot's Quilt

I figured I should actually show a quilt I've made. This is a pattern I borrowed (without asking, tee hee) from Sam. She used this pattern on the great baby quilt she made for Seth. I made this quilt for Margot's new baby. I hope she likes it. Misty took it to her on her recent trip back to Denver. Anyway, this quilt was a great way to use up some left over fabrics and it was quick and easy. With a to-do list as long as mine occasionally you need a quick quilt.

An update on Taz- The stinky dog. The vet thinks that he has an infection. I'll spare you all the gory details of anal glands, bleck! He also tested positive for lyme disease which would explain his joint pain. (I know, it sounds like we got a lemon at the SPCA.) We all thought he had joint pain because he's old and fat. So, now he has to have a serious round of antibiotics for a month to get him all better. The smell is actually better. I am trying not to get my hope up to high though.


Paula Ebert said...

Beautiful quilt, but you always do good work!

the SPCA is still paying for the stinky dog, right?

Samantha said...

Actually, I borrowed the pattern from Jeanne at:
She's amazing!

Hope the drugs work for the dog...

Susan said...

Very pretty & girly! Looks like it goes together quickly to which is always nice.

Glad to hear that the new medicine seems to be working. Hopefully it will continue... Be positive :)