Friday, September 02, 2011

Big and little

Lots of things have happened since the last time I posted. Some little and insignificant things and others quite big.

I made two baby quilts and baked some goodies! That was awesome to be able to do. Me stuff. I do still miss my stay at home mom gig. I had it good. I like school too, it's just harder to juggle all the kid stuff, fun stuff, my stuff, etc.

This one is for our friends Mark and LeAnn. They're having a little girl!

A friends daughter is having a boy. I'll get a better picture of this later. It's adorable.

Peach Cobbler, oh yea.

So, we had a hurricane hit us. Yeah, I said hurricane. I can't believe we actually had a hurricane. Thankfully it was only a Cat. 1 when it hit us and the southern portion of the storm fell apart before we had to go through another 6 hours of wind and rain! Lots of old trees came down all over town and they took out power lines with them. We lost power for 4 days. 4 long days.

He was pretending it was falling on him.

Now, it's back to school time. I started this week and the kids start back next week. I hope this year is a good one. I have peds and OB this semester. I am excited and worried. I know I want to be a midwife and I also know the way women have babies in the hospital isn't optimal. I dread seeing labor after labor augmented and sectioned for failure to progress. Ick.

Hannah will be in 8th grade, Simon 5th, and Seth starts Kindergarten. He's not a baby anymore. Well, no matter how old any of them are they're still my babies. I have the stretch marks to prove it.

We went to Ocean Grove last week with a friend before hurricane Irene came through and we went back today. The shore line changed. It's crazy that a little hurricane was strong enough to do that. I am so glad the hurricane wasn't stronger! Now, it really looks like nothing happened to it at all.

Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!


Paula Ebert said...

Oh, it looks like the kids had a ton of fun at the beach... glad you went before the hurricane. Appreciate the return of power, I'll bet!

Samantha said...

welcome back power! Good luck to everyone in school- I can't believe Seth is in K already!