Hello, little blog of mine. Is there an echo in here? How have you been? Lonely, I bet. Sorry, I've been distracted by school.
I am sitting in a quiet room between classes. I had Nutrition and Microbiology so far today. I just ate my lunch I brought from home and I have another hour until Micro lab begins. Thought I might pop in and say, "Hi."
Yesterday was a big birthday day in our house. Dan and Seth share the same birthday. My little man just turned 5 (We won't mention how old Dan is, except to say he's older than me!). One whole hand old. He seems so big to me sometimes and yet at other times he seems so little. He can't read yet, but he is getting close. He'll pick it up when he's ready (can you tell he's my third). He can add like crazy. He told me yesterday that 5 and 5 and 5 and 4 is 19... why yes, yes it is... He loves all things that a little boy would like; cars, trucks, tractors, legos, building blocks, sports, etc. He also loves to play on the computer and video games just like his older brother and sister. He likes to drive them crazy too and I think that might be the primary responsibility of the youngest sibling.
I have to add, I am so lucky to have three wonderful kids, and a wonderful husband, that put up with me going back to school. There are days when I have to go get them from three different houses because they had half days. So crazy some times. My friends are so pivotal to my success in getting through school. If they didn't help me out I wouldn't be able make it!
I digress. Where was I again? Ah, yes... birthday boys. We went out for dinner last night with a few friends. Seth wanted hibachi which we were all in favor of. Who doesn't like hibachi or sushi? It was a nice night out. We are having a kid birthday party for Seth on Sunday, so it was nice to have a more adult dinner with friends for Dan.
Tonight Simon will take yet another Belt Test. He is getting very close to his Black Belt! I am very proud of him for sticking it out. He wants to quit, but we're pushing him to complete this. I think he'd feel an enormous sense of pride in himself if he gets his Black belt.
So, that's how we are right now in a nut shell. I am still alive, yet busy and insane. Midterms are in two weeks, eek!
Happy Birthday to my birthday boys! Love you guys!